Prim had a wonderful 4th of July celebration! Thank you to Uzo, Peg and Savvy for all their hard work to make the party the BEST in Second Life! The location in our Prim Village was beautiful and the decorations were superb. It is true... the best people, best time and best music are right here at the best place to be, Prim Entertainment sim.
Peg set off an amazing fireworks display about half way through the party. Who could ask for more? They added so much to the party and proved that we are all beautiful fireworks.
Prim has an amazing campervan DJ booth. Every outdoor party needs this and Uzo uses it with style. Our 4th of July festivities were fueled by his set and we could not ask for me could we? Prim is known for great parties and you can find them regularly right here they are what we do best. This is the type of fun you don't want to miss out on. From all of us at Prim, HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY 2013!!!!!