Friday, January 18, 2013


Some said PRIM is "doomed to fail", some said it won't last a month, bad taste rumors started to circulate, but we said Prim will be there today, tomorrow, next year and will keep growing. When people say you that you CAN'T do something and WON'T succeed, they only say that because they are scared that you CAN do it and you WILL succeed. So we CAN and so we WILL. Since we opened Prim Dance Club couple months ago, dozens, maybe hundreds of clubs closed and they keep closing because they can't make it but we are still here and will be being more popular every day.

With only one DJ, Prim Dance Club became one of the most popular clubs in SL, in fact we grew to a whole region with many different attractions, games, bowling, and a list of other things.

Leading a place with kindness, based on true friendship, family, based on understanding and care, without stupid rules and fake people PRIM has became a place where people love to come back again and again.

Yesterday we reached the magic number of 300 members. It's not bad from a club that is "doomed to fail" right? 300 might not be a lot, but just like the Spartan army could prevail with that number against much greater once, I see that as a lucky number. 300 is the number that shows to us that we will keep growing, keep having fun, and PRIM Entertainment Center, and Prim Dance Club will keep serving both as family and as a place to feel good, feel safe, feel free.

I want to thank you to all of you who has been supportive and being part of this great group.
